YouBooster Pro Cracked

YouBooster PRO has an immense amount of features and the speed of it is unmatched by any other YouTube Bot.

Primary features :

 -Uses API! (Can do one subscription/rating/comment/etc. in 2-3seconds)
 -Lifetime updates !!
 -MULTI THREADED!! (The bot can give your video up to five likes/comments etc. PER SECOND!!!) !HOT!
 -Rate Up
 -Rate Down
 -Favorite !HOT!
 -Flag videos !HOT! (Take down any video on YouTube!)
 -MultiURL Support !HOT!
-Clear Menu
-Comment Rater !HOT!
-Proxy Scraper (Scraped from trusted website!)
-Mass Upload !HOT!
-Avatar Uploader !HOT!
-Comment Grabber
-Account Checker

YouBooster Pro Cracked

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